
The Teachers at School-Bhuj (2011-2012)

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Certificate of Excellence - July 2013

Another new initiative was started in June this year to encourage and motivate students to grow in their academic interests. This initiative is called the Certificate of Excellence and the first batch were awarded during the School Annual Day function in June.

Below are the recipients for the month of July 2013.

Whenever the Certificate of Excellence is awarded, the parents are informed before hand so that they can come and witness their child being recognized and appreciated. On the photo above are the students with parents.

Below are the students name and the reason for the certificate:

Left to right:

Tejendra Singh (Class Gulmohar-7th) - Well behaved, studies well, performs well in all activities and has neat handwriting.

Md. Faizan (Class Neem -1st) - Excels in Oral recitations, finishes work fast, helps the teachers and helps his friends around him.

Shyam. R (Class Almond - 2nd) - Excels in Handwriting, Drawing, studies and well behaved.

Alfiya Banu (Class Nilgiri - 3rd) - Participates in all activities with passion, completes projects well, obedient towards teachers.

Naushin Banu (Class Banyan - 4th) - Studies well, neat handwriting, home work completed on time, regular to school, besides being very well behaved.

Chauhan Reihan (Class Palm - 5th) - Besides excelling in studies, tries to help others to do well too. Puts in good effort in everything.

Rubina Banu (Class Fanas - 6th) - Soft spoken and studies very well. Shows lot of interest in completing all projects and activities.

Aayushi R. Vaghela (Class Bamboo - 8th) - Good in studies, Projects are done well, has leadership qualities, well behaved.

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