
The Teachers at School-Bhuj (2011-2012)

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

1st Principal's Award

A new award has been initiated at the school, called the Principal's Award. This would be a weekly endeavor to encourage and appreciate all students in every class. 

This award would be given out on the weekly combined school assembly. Each class teacher would watch out for encouraging behaviour from the students and select that child to be the recipient of the award. Each will get a sticker award and a special mention in front of the school. 

Every child in each class will get an opportunity by this means to be awarded at the least once in a year.

The first batch of recipients.

(Left to right - front row)
Dhavni - 7th Class - Good in studying.
Shifa - 4th Class - Good in activities.
Shayba - 1st Class - Very Prompt
Abeni - 3rd Class - Very good in reading English
Varish - 2nd Class - Prompt in completing HW

(Back row)
Muskan - 8th Class - Very respectful to all.
Taskeen - 6th Class - Very obedient
Aniket - 5th Class - Studies very well. 

Frome College Visit

Our visit to the Frome Community College in Frome times newspaper!

Photo: Our visit to the Frome Community College in Frome times newspaper!

New Initiative - Waste Week

From June 17th to 28th HOPE foundation School is observing a fortnight of waste management awareness campaign. This was initiated by the Partner school St. John's in Frome. To start with 6 sets of bins like the above have been placed and the children being taught for need to separate wastage. More to come..

Photo: Waste Management Awareness week initiated.

Summer Camp - 2013

Summer Camp was a Blast! More crafts taught and events organised. The Children have showed that they are good learners and have a skill for craft work.

Pottery Painting

Chandelier Work.

Henna (Mehndi) Work

Ornamental Work

Wall Hangings/Floor Rug out of waste cloth

Completed painted Pots

Clay/mud work

Great Patterns

Activities & Projects

Since 2012, more emphasis is being given on project based learning, as some of the photos below suggests:

Photo: These students, like all over the world, enjoy activities.
Understanding First Aid

Photo: Oral Hygiene Day - taught by teachers - supported by Colgate.
Understanding Personal Hygiene.
Photo: They have come prepared!
Understanding various weathers.

Understanding Physical Education.